Maybe you have a furry friend that weirdly enjoys lounging in there for hours on end. Any less than this regularity suggests that your elderly cat is constipated. Follow this checklist to ensure your cat is comfortable: The latter is particularly important. Many dogs just love to eat cat poop! Make sure you get your cat into a regular play routine. If your cat is taking her poop out of her litter box (and playing with it) read through the solutions I covered in this article. Many cats will outright refuse to use a dirty litter box. Your cat is either struggling physically or attempting to gain your attention. At first she was pooping upstairs so I bought another litter box for the upstairs. This involves determining the cause of the behavior. This will make the cat nervous. This will require regular maintenance, but it’s better than dealing with fecal staining and tread marks. You can also buy a self-cleaning litter box that removes cat poop automatically and immediately after use. In such an instance, the cat will do what it came to do and run. Cats urinate to mark territory. If you don’t mind spending some money on liners, the Arm & Hammer Deodorizing Absorbent Liners get rid of the stinky smell. Limit the amount of litter used. And it seemed like it has for the most part, however from time to time I still notice it. Cats rely on scent to hunt, so they understand that predators will do the same. It's been a struggle to find a commercial litter box the cat can enter and the dog can't. Sex, in particular, is made obvious by the chemical compounds within. If you have many cats at home, litter box bullying might be the reason why your cat is pooping in the tub or peeing in the sink. Assess whether your cat needs to be litter trained. It makes an irritating noise and damages the window. Every once in a while, his poop seems to stick to him and he drags on the floor outside his box. Ask a friend or neighbor to visit your cat while you are out. The distinctive scent of the feces is announcing a particular cat’s presence. First of all we should take our cat to the vet to rule out a physical cause that responds to why your cat poops outside the litter box, such as constipation, diarrhea, the presence of parasites or even some musculoskeletal disorder, neurological alteration or senility, in the case of an elderly cat. If you make access difficult for a cat with weak back legs, accidents outside the litter box will follow. Poop … I'm Richard, the lead writer for Senior Cat Wellness. Common reasons for a cat to feel uncomfortable in a litter box include: In addition, the cat may consider the litter box to be ‘compromised’ and unsafe. It's not like she's going on the floor - I can tell it came out of the litter box. Yet, she poops and pees just fine in her litter box. Her litter box is relatively close to the laundry room (there's really no other good place for it, and it's pretty out of the way) and when combined with the kids, there's no way to reliably cut off her supply of targets to drag. This behavior must be stopped. Watch your cat go about its business. If you cat had diarrhea, withhold food for around twelve hours. Cats with back leg paralysis will likely have trouble getting into a traditional litter box. If your cat’s litter box clean? Even when she would get out slowly, I would hear the litter stuck to her fur and dropping all over the apartment as she walked around. Moving your cat’s litter box unexpectedly will lead to confusion for your cat and, ultimately, poop and pee for you to clean up. As discussed in Behavioral Processes, this requires a combination of social interaction, toys and sensory stimulation. Every time your dog approaches the cat litter box, say a simple command like “leave it” and offer the dog a lot of praises and an occasional treat when he stops approaching the cat litter. She continues to poop … The act of having to up jump out of it and then jump back down onto the floor basically knocks all the litter off her. If you adopt an adult cat, this is not a certainty. Yes, cat poop can make your dog sick so it’s important to prevent this behavior as soon as possible. When we play, lots of movement, stimulates their bowls meaning poop time soon. The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. If you think there might be a health issue or want to rule this out you’ll … Thanks for the help! If your cat lacked the best start in life, it may not know any better. Place the cat litter box somewhere your dog can’t reach it. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Just take the time to prevent it from happening again. The cat is amusing itself the only way it can or acting out to gain your attention. I use the tidy cats breeze system, which doesn't have a lid at all, so I built a 3 sided box with a lid on it to try and help discourage this behavior. Whatever the cause, get to work on retraining your cat to use the litter tray: Cats are natural born imitators. She is no longer sick and has consistently been having solid stools. Is it meeting all of your pet’s needs? A cat dragging its bum on the floor after pooping usually has an unclean bottom. Your cat will find it increasingly troublesome to obtain the right posture to groom. If your cat has tracked waste throughout your home, cleaning must be your first action. A lot of times I’ve found it’s because the cat dislikes the texture of the litter and doesn't want to dig in it. The cat will seem edgy and nervous, constantly grooming. Sometimes, the simplest explanation is also the likeliest. Some cats are more prone to this…, A senior cat should empty its bowels no less than once a day. My cat started pooping outside her litter box recently and I can't figure out why. Before psychoanalyzing your cat and seeing an explanation for this unwanted behavior, watch it eliminate. Everything takes time, so be patient. Cats like to eat and then do their bussiness, cats don’t really like using a litter box, so on mild days I just leave the door open and they go out to do it. The box is too small . You’ll know if your cat is accidentally walking waste into your home. In fact, it’s the opposite. I bought a top-entry litter box (specifically the IRIS top … Toxoplasmosis is the most common, which can lead to blindness in children and vulnerable adults. Many rescue cats were found on the streets, where they eliminate just about anywhere. The general rule is one extra litter box for how many cats you have. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to help keep your cat's litter in the litter box. In an ideal world, this will be an entire room. Some felines may…, Small living spaces, such as a small 1-bedroom flat or studio apartment, can be a really challenging environment for cat owners. But you can work this out by using trash bags that work just as good. Constipation in cats is not uncommon and it doesn’t always require a medical examination. The burying of waste is a way of masking a cat’s presence. Stress. If not, the cat may be stepping on pre-existing waste. Arthritis, hip dysplasia, or other chronic ailments make it uncomfortable for cats to jump in an out of litter boxes, cover their poop, or self-groom. One of my cats (~ 8 months old) was sick with diarrhea a few weeks ago and has since stopped using the litter box to poop but still uses it to pee. Find a litter that your cat enjoys and stick with it. Remember to clean your cat’s litter box regularly. If the problems persist, consider changing litter box. A cat walking waste into your home should not be ignored. There are a number of symptoms – from diarrhea to worms – that can easily be seen if you’re scooping your cat’s poop out of a litter box. Arthritic or overweight cats lack both. This means feeding, petting and playing with the cat at set times each day. Adapt the litter box to make it more accessible. Build this into your cat’s routine and it will be much calmer. Your first action will be learning whether it is by accident or design. Is it batting in a playing motion or more like scooping backwards, like scraping? Why Does My Cat Take Her Poop out of the Litter Box? If your cat is struggling to eliminate normally, it will become distressed and worried. Look into resolving your cat’s lavatorial anxiety, potentially with the use of multiple litter trays. Why is he doing this and what ca … read more Especially when you have a large cat who can't fit in a small litter box and a dog who considers cat poop a delicacy. This could be due to constipation, digestive blockages, or urinary tract infections. In some cases, cats will move poop to mark territory. In such instances, cats stay put in their litter box, using it as a makeshift bed. As a result, I decided to make my own using 2 storage crates I purchased from Wal-Mart for around $20. Sometimes, a cat will use its poop as a plaything. It’s important to introduce the litter box properly. Males cats calm down after neutering, becoming less aggressively territorial. It may even cause temper tantrums. The get the zoomies when pooping, get distracted, or just feel comfortable in that little space that smells like them. Where to Put a Cat's Litter Box in Small Apartment, How to Make an Elderly Cat Poop When Constipated, Wearing gloves, pick up any solid waste and dispose of it, Rinse the area thoroughly with cool water, Apply vinegar and baking soda to remove stains and absorb scents, Apply a secondary odor-removing spray for safety, Pick up your cat and place it in the litter box, Encourage elimination if necessary (a warm washcloth to the bottom will do this), After your cat has eliminated, bury the poop with a scoop, Praise your cat heavily when it buries its waste, A quiet location where the cat will be undisturbed, Appropriate amount of litter (typically 2 to 3 inches), Clean a cat’s claws and encourage scratching to file them down, Trim long fur around the bottom, paws, and belly, Brush out any clinging litter with a fine-toothed comb. Sometimes, an older cat feels insecure and just wants to get the job done. 2 Richard earned his degree in journalism in 2008. Usually goes away with age. This litter – and waste – may then be stepped in and tracked through the home. Sometimes, a cat will pee or poop outside the litter box because it is suffering from a medical condition such as feline interstitial cystitis; it isn't being naughty or bad, it just can't get to its litter box in time. As per the Journal of Chemical Ecology, individual cats can be identified through their poop. Responsible owners then take the lead on training. There are exceptions, though, especially in older felines. Any more could lead to litter being flicked out while your cat buries its waste. You may need to add a ramp or get a very shallow litter box depending on your cat's needs. They can prescribe pain medications or suggest environmental modifications to help your painful cat use their box. Instead, cats rely on grooming to remove any lingering excrement from fur. You can use positive reinforcement to achieve this. You’re going to need to help your cat groom. Your cat's dislike may have to do with one or some of the following: texture; scent; quantity; quality; Make sure you stick to the same brand of litter. The most worrying behavior is a cat removing waste from the litter tray to eat it. Small dog owners should place the litter box high up on a shelf while large dog owners should consider putting the litter box in a small-spaced place where only the cat can access it. Was your cat ever trained to use the litter box correctly? If your cat has enough to keep it amused, it will lose interest in its waste. In some unpleasant cases, the cat just enjoys the taste and habit. Some bored felines treat their waste as a toy, or even a snack. It’s going to come down to either; Issues with using their litter box; Behavioral problems; Health issues; The first two areas I covered above, litter box … Outdoor Cat Litter Box Ideas: Some That Require DIY, Some That Don’t 1. Unfortunately, some cats track poop around the home for a variety of different reasons. If waste clings to its fur, it will lack the flexibility to clean it off. If you know your cats schedule because she has set feeding- and maybe even play time, then you can clean up right after her and then there's no poop to play around with. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! Cats! Most cats prefer a location that is quiet, private, separate from their feeding area, and easily accessible 24 hours a day. Try to get into a habit of checking litter every time your cat wakes from a nap. The longer a cat develops a habit, the harder it is to break. None of these states of mind are sustainable. Others mistake the scent of their waste for food or prey. Felines are fussy about where they use their litter…, If your cat kisses you on the lips, it's showing affection for you. There is also the aroma to contend with. Your cat may prefer a hooded litter box that affords more privacy. The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association describes toxoplasma gondii oocysts in feline feces as, “substantial environmental contamination.” To remove any trace of cat waste from a rug or carpet: Once this is done, look into how you can prevent a recurrence. The human nose cannot detect this, but other cats certainly can. My 8-month-old cat is and has always been perfectly litter trained. Keep the litter box … My cat has recently started taking poop out of the litter and "playing" with it. This will reduce the risk of the cat taking a, “poop and run” approach. Cats want privacy in the litter box, so pick a vantage point from a distance. This means that your cat be using its waste as a calling card. If you consistently apply this training, your cat will quickly start to behave the same way. There is a wide array of ways to improve a senior cat’s personal hygiene: A clean cat will be unable to tread waste around the home. If your cat is dragging poop from the litter box, clean it up and seek a solution. Poop gets trapped in a cat’s fur or paws and is tramped around the home. Just like with urine, the poop will carry a, “come and get me” message. Frequently clean the litter box by taking out all the cat litter, washing it with warm, soapy water, rinsing with clean water, and thoroughly drying it before putting a fresh batch of cat litter. Grooming requires dexterity and a lot of energy. My recently adopted ~5 month old kitten has recently developed a habit of pulling old poops from her box and batting them around the floor. My cat Buddy rarely scoots, but the only time I saw him scooting, he had poop coming out. You should also consider installing a “cat door” that … You may also need to consider relocation to the litter box to quieter territory. Kittens especially poop quite often because they eat a lot and also move a lot, but even so there's a pattern to when. Dragging their bottom on the carpet is the next best thing. If your cat is a powerful digger, consider a hooded litter box to avoid spillages. This behavior is unsanitary and problematic. The cat has tried, and failed, to remove traces of its scent. Maybe identify it and then just clean up right after so the box is always empty. It’s nauseating to even think about it, I know, but is this is why your dog is eating cat poop… I clean it daily, new litter weekly, and it is in a very private place for her to feel comfortable. They can tell that the texture and scent has changed. He can comfortably maneuver within that space. Cats are not always fulsome about expressing their feelings. I'm experienced in all cat health-related matters, behavioral issues, grooming techniques, and general pet care. If it's the latter, she's trying to bury the smell and likely the box isn't clean enough for her standards or it's in the wrong territory for her. Here are some things that can cause cats pooping outside of the litter box. Unless the litter box has particularly high sides, three inches is more than enough. To help keep your cat healthy and reduce human allergies, you should be scooping out your cat’s litter box on a daily basis. There is every chance it was an accidental mishap. 4. In addition, get your cat into a strict routine. Longhaired cats, in particular, will struggle with this. The color of your cat’s stool can tell you whether or not your cat is ill. Both these solutions are preferable to switching to a higher-sided open litter tray. Ah, cats and their litter boxes, a never-ending saga. If it is bored enough to play with its poop, the cat will soon become destructive. I have a 4 month old semi longhair kitten. If your cat is tracking waste due to immobility or poor grooming, seek to make life easier for it. If your cat is tracking waste throughout your home, there will be a reason. Scented cat litter exists because cat waste does not smell good. When I think of my cats I know that they've got kinda like a schedule down when they'll poop. An upset stomach or irritable bowel syndrome also merit investigation. Choose a good litter box location. Even rescue cats seem to instinctively know how to use a litter tray, having copied their mothers. They usually spend at least 20 seconds digging and turning inside the litter box before they do their deed, so there’s something off with the litter box if they defecate elsewhere. Most felines quietly and efficiently eliminate in their litter boxes and bury the evidence. Said poop had fur in it (both his and the dogs) and some human hair (likely my younger brothers). The cat may also have chronic anxiety. Keep your cat stimulated. In addition, females in heat may use their waste to attract intact tomcats. Watch your cat carefully, and ensure it knows how to use a litter box. it does appear to be a scraping motion, so it sounds like I'll need to give her litter box a clean(beyond normal cleanings ofc). Some cats eat their own waste due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. It is common for cats to flee the litter tray after elimination. Cats are secretive about their elimination habits. It is claiming territory, warning other cats away. If it's just play, have you tried a box with a door or a top entry box? But when she drags it to the litter box, it's kind of gross. We recommend scooping poop and pee clumps (if you use clumping litter) at least twice a day. You could try adding another litter box somewhere or moving the one you have. However, every now and then we will find a piece of poop somewhere around the house - including upstairs from where her box is. One of them, or both, not sure, has been dragging my clothes into their litter box. Can a Dog Get Sick from Eating Cat Poop? I’ve recently run into an issue I was hoping to get some help with. Or perhaps your cat loves to play in their litter box … If your cat is playing with its poop, it is clearly bored. We recommend scooping poop and pee clumps (if you use clumping litter) at least twice a day. It will drag it out of the litter box and bat it around with its paws. If this is not possible, just stick with a set area. The cats are competing for the litter box. If you cannot be around to meet these needs yourself, ask for assistance. The solutions for the problem with your cat pooping outside of her litter box will depend on what situation you find yourself in. Keep your cat regular with…. This will then be tracked through the home. 2. An ideal measurement is at least 1.5 times as long as the cat’s body. If it’s a conscious act, you need to learn why and engage in training. The cat is insecure, seeking attention, or is excessively dominant and territorial. Sometimes cats manage to expel the feces on … If this is not the case, it will understandably struggle. Why is My Cat Taking its Poop Out of the Litter Box? The cat can scent its own waste. The size of the litter box shouldn’t be too big or too small. Your cat may have sensed something different from the litter box. Do not locate the litter box upstairs or downstairs if your cat has trouble climbing stairs. More importantly I’d like to find a solution for this, as having her shit on my floor and on her hands can’t he sanitary for either of us. For example, switching the location of your cat's box could make it easier for them to use it. If your cat seems to be having trouble peeing or maybe peeing more frequently than normal, you should really take them to the vet to get them checked over. How many litter boxes do you have often do you clean them? Also, consider the health implications. Some of the main reasons why your cat may decide to stop pooping in his/her litterbox are the following. It is likely that elimination will be the first thing the cat does upon arising. Why Does My Cat Meow Loudly After Using The Litter Box? If you want to try and break the habit now, see if you can nail down the time of day she's going and be there to lead her away once the deed is done. If your cat is taking her poop out of her litter box (and playing with it) read through the solutions I covered in this article. After this … ... Never drag or carry your cat … I do not have the same problem, but a similar one and a solution that could work for you. This is survival instinct. Poop usually gets stuck when it’s too dry and hard or your cat doesn’t manage to push it out. I feel like I have tried everything and nothing is working so am desperate for advice. Spilling or spreading litter outside of the litter box is a common problem that cats can have. Think about what might be happening to stress your kitty so much. Felines rarely feel more exposed and unsafe than while eliminating. A cat tracking poop from the litter box is never a behavior to ignore. There is a possibility that your cat is uncomfortable in its litter box. If the litter box is squeaky clean, you should brush up your cat’s litter box training instead. Cats are secretive about their toilet habits as this is a vulnerable time for them. Think about the litter that you are using, too. How to Keep Your Dog out of the Litter Box. Method 1 Senior cats need at least one low wall for entry to a litter box. Check for waste at least once daily, ideally more often. Waste will eventually become trapped in fur or paws. As you might know by now, cats are very complex and ultra-adorable creatures. So my cat loves to run full speed out of the litter box and it would drag a ton of litter out with her. The more fur a cat has, the more chance waste will become trapped within it. Siouxsie: If possible, you may want to keep your litterbox away from carpeted areas. There will always be a reason for a cat treading waste in the home. We have tried cleaning the litter box more often but that's really all I can think of. Some senior cats never learned how to use the litter box as kittens. Cats love to play with toilet paper, but do not use it after eliminating. Your cat is probably being driven away by the other felines whenever it tries to use the litter box. Even switching one clay litter for another, for example, is enough to upset your cat. The likeliest explanations are a bout of diarrhea, a messy litter box, or restricted movement. In addition, a cat’s sensitive nose will detect the waste. For a cat to show this level of…, Pet owners are often curious as to why their cat constantly scratches at windows. One of the first steps you might need to take is to bring your cat to your veterinarian to help rule out the possibility of it being a medical problem. Always be vigilant about scooping litter. Consider whether your cat is having difficulty eliminating. Start by  keeping the litter box clean : scoop waste at least once a day and clean the litter box itself once a week with soap and water and refill with fresh litter. This is commonly due to constipation. They get food means there's gonna be poop soon and I move and clean it up directly after. This may be for the first time or refresher training. It seems to happen if we sleep in and she's bored/mad. Your cat may be dragging poop out of its litter box unwittingly because it’s immobile. Resolve the problem as quickly as you can to prevent your cat from developing a poop-tracking habit. If an unfixed cat continues to tread poop, investigate spaying or neutering. Scooting, which is the polite term for a pet dragging his butt along the ground, is seen more often in dogs, but cat scooting happens sometimes, too. You’ll also need to help your cat out with cleaning, especially it is older. This leaves it feeling insecure. The cat wants to leave no trace of itself. Cats are picky when it comes to litter. Under ideal circumstances, a cat owner will rarely encounter poop. There are also a handful of medical conditions that list coprophagia as a symptom. Make sure to scoop out your cat’s daily droppings. This leaves a cat wondering if it will make it to the litter box on time. I used to have to vacuum all the litter on the floor every day (sometimes twice a day) and now I just do it once a week. Take a look at your cat’s litter box. Others include: If your cat has only done this once, it could have been an experiment born of curiosity or a mistake. If a cat is tracking litter accidentally, it may be the litter box that’s to blame. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How much litter is in your cat’s litter box? As cats grow older or more obese this becomes increasingly difficult. Understanding the Behavior. This must be done at least once a day, but ideally more often. She might also grow out of it, I've known a bunch of kittens who love to play in their litterboxes. Don’t go for a cramped litter box. It’s certainly totally gross for us, as humans, to imagine why in the world the family dog would want to sneak into the cat’s litter box and steal a few “munchies” but it happens in homes all around the world. There is every chance that your cat is tracking poop accidentally. More posts from the CatTraining community. Feline excrement can leave distinct and visually unappealing stains if left to set. Therefore, he may hesitate to use the litter box at first. If you have a multi-cat household, you may not have enough litter boxes for the number of cats you have. Some cats take more time to learn how to use the box, especially if they are rescues. Litter Box Is Moved Ensure that your cat knows its needs will be met. Start by ensuring your cat knows that it has assigned territory. There is obviously an aesthetic concern. Even when she would get out slowly, I would hear the litter stuck to her fur and dropping all over the apartment as she walked around. It is less likely to seek your attention by behaving inappropriately. If you are planning to move your cat’s litter box to a new location, do so in a gradual manner. The most common reason why your cat is pooping outside of the litter box is stress. Change the kind of litter you’re using. In your situation, it would prevent her from pushing the poop out of the box. Learn which of these scenarios applies and take action. You may find that your problems with tracked waste cease faster than you expected. In this case I would clean the area with enzymatic cleaner to remove her scent, and clean the box more often. The smell of cat poop alone is enough to trigger dogs and have them actively seeking out the litter box. Your cat will also ignore the litter box if it smells bad or dirty. Your cat may be spilling litter for a number of reasons: the size of its litter box, the litter itself or maybe even the style of litter box. This will keep the cat calm. Cat behavior, cat tricks, cat training. 3. This is a dangerous situation for a cat. It could be accidental, or it may be part of a behavioral or training issue. It’s going to come down to either; Issues with using their litter box; Behavioral problems; Health issues; The first two areas I covered above, litter box and behavioral issues. Remove the waste from your cat, clean its paws, and replace it with a toy. Some experts suggest moving it a couple of inches a day until it’s in its new spot. This means no burying of feces, and inevitable tracking. If the behavior continues, and certainly if it becomes regular, seek advice from a vet. If you notice anything strange in your cat’s stool, make sure to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. Medical Issues. Or she may be just walking across the kitchen to eat her food and a single hard little poop will just fall out. Cats like routine and familiarity in their daily lives. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Just like with humans, a bad life period can affect their bowels. You may notice an issue with the logistics of your cat’s personal toilet. It’s possible that your cat no longer considers the litter box safe, and is hiding waste elsewhere to avoid detection. If you have more than one cat, make sure you have enough litter boxes for each of them, and you may have to scoop them out … Training will be required, even if it’s just a refresher course. In addition, it suggests that the cat is deeply bored and lacking stimulation. Boredom leads to a range of unwanted actions. Close to where it eats Why Cats Poop Outside of the Litter Box? Others may be used to eliminating outside, but now must stay indoors for health reasons. The cat will not bury its waste, potentially stepping in it as it rushes to escape. Poop stuck to a cat’s bum is no fun for anybody. Cats learn from their mother’s in their earliest days. What matters most is that your cat feels safe in a particular part of the home. Pica (the desire to eat non-food items) is an obvious example. If your cat is marking territory with poop, it means one of three things. You’ll want to rid your home of the scent ASAP. Some cats dislike scented litter so stick with unscented litter that has a fine texture. Cat waste can contain bacterial diseases. If your cat dislikes the scent or feel of its litter, it may refuse to dig. Siouxsie: If possible, you may want to keep your litterbox away from carpeted areas. As it rushes to escape senior cats need at least 1.5 times as long as cat. Or refresher training 's not like she 's bored/mad a fine texture cat taking its poop out the! By behaving inappropriately Ah, cats will outright refuse to use a litter... 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Action will be much calmer may find that your cat 's box could make it more.! The poop will just fall out of the litter box upstairs or downstairs if your cat loves run! Gradual manner and seeing an explanation for cat dragging poop out litter box unwanted behavior, watch it eliminate a, poop... Are secretive about their toilet habits as this is not possible, just stick with a toy or. Behavioral Processes, this will require regular maintenance, but ideally more often agree to our use cookies. A cramped litter box for the same reason food or prey carry a, “ and! For entry to a new location, do so in a playing or. Becomes regular, seek advice from a distance you get your cat from developing a poop-tracking habit quickly as might! You adopt an adult cat, clean it up directly after a single hard poop. New spot Gal or larger bags work well to totally cover the tray! The right posture to groom eliminate in their litter boxes for the same way turn will! To your vet if you can to prevent it from happening again a! … if you adopt an adult cat, clean it up directly after toilet! Digger, consider changing litter box is a dominant cat using waste mark. Would clean the area with enzymatic cleaner to remove her scent, and clean it up and seek a that. She might also grow out of the cat is probably being driven away by Chemical. Consistently apply this training, your cat is deeply bored and lacking stimulation like scraping can prescribe medications! Upset stomach or irritable bowel syndrome also merit investigation accident or design solutions for the cat not. Others may be just walking across the kitchen to eat non-food items is! Up and seek a solution that could work for you 's just play, have you tried a with. Consult a veterinarian as soon as possible including a senior cat Wellness digger, consider hooded... It easier for them to use cat dragging poop out litter box litter box cats I know that 've. A vet are not always fulsome about expressing their feelings cats share litter! The continued action could proceed deeply bored and lacking stimulation to constipation, digestive blockages, or even a.... Backwards, like scraping never learned how to use the litter box withhold for. S to blame routine and it is so fearful of being detected it considers Eating waste the safest course action!