3. This is followed by a focus of maintaining continuity of operations for the next fiscal and academic year. The governor submits his or her proposed budget to the state legislature in November. Even now, the Board’s passage of the proposed budgets today is pending approval of the Long Budget Bill by the General Assembly and its signing by Governor Polis. Jared Polis is proposing a $1.3 billion stimulus package that he says will jump-start the Colorado economy — but it’s not clear the money exists to cover the cost. Gov. As a result, our plan invests in human-centered priorities. Read more at New York, Axios, and The New York Times. The aid, which is constrained by the state’s budget, totals about $200 million and is aimed at providing a bridge until a much larger congressional stimulus measure is approved. Share this. The Department’s top priority is the health and safety of all students, educators and communities in Colorado. Budget Town Hall COVID-19 Recovery – FALL 2020 Return to Campus Virtual Town Hall Colorado State University will host two COVID-19 Recovery Town Hall sessions to provide updates and answer questions about the Fall 2020 semester and the procedures regarding the return to campus. “We are in for some disruptions, but the question is how deep will those reductions be,” Saliman said. This article contains new, firsthand information uncovered by its reporter(s). Drop us a note at tips@coloradosun.com. The Colorado Legislature opened Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021, for a brief, three-day session to swear in new members and adjust several pandemic relief laws before adjorning until February because of coronavirus concerns. Colorado Gov. His spending plan also would restore some of the $3 billion in spending cuts lawmakers made earlier this year after the pandemic lockdown reduced state revenues. Discretionary spending includes professional development and continued education and training for our employees, food at meetings or events, and travel, as well as postponing as much as possible the purchase of new computers, printers, etc, Travel will not be funded except where supported by private or non-university funds or necessary for engagement, extension, research or other critical functions, Implementing a voluntary retirement incentive as an option for more than 1,000 faculty and staff. “Those are really policy questions for the legislature,” he said. State governments are pushing for help from Congress to fix budget gaps caused by the coronavirus pandemic and economic shutdowns. Obviously the governor’s budget request is just his recommendations for what he thinks should be done,” said state Sen. Dominick Moreno, a lead Democratic budget writer. FOR GRANT RELATED COVID-19 UPDATES, CLICK ON CARES ACT ... were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act) for the State or government; and (3) were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020. As a result of Governor Polis’s dedication of CARES Act funds and the actions of the Joint Budget Committee, the Board approved a budget package that deploys federal stimulus funds, Board reserves, and proceeds from Board-initiated debt refinancing to spare deep cuts to the CSU campuses, preserve jobs, hold tuition steady, and avoid salary cuts for employees. Saliman shared that campus budget scenario planning includes planning for three different scenarios: a 5%, 10% and 20% reduction to system and campus operating budgets. Not all who are eligible will choose to retire, but those who do will help facilitate reduced payroll costs. Use this checklist to ensure your budget meets the standards. Barring further coronavirus-related public health orders, Colorado State University plans to open for in-person instruction for the fall 2020 semester, Chancellor Tony Frank said. Even if vaccines significantly reduce the worst COVID-19 outcomes, the world's poorer countries are not estimated to reach mass immunization until 2024, so while the tide may turn more quickly in the United States, the global pandemic could still be ongoing for years to come, especially if variants impede natural herd immunity. Heading into the budget process, the CSU System – which includes our Fort Collins campuses as well as Pueblo and CSU Global — was facing a $164 million budget shortfall for next year. The Polis administration built its 2021-22 fiscal year spending plan on rosy economic predictions that anticipate $1 billion more in state revenue than legislative economists are forecasting. Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; Email; Print; Save; Wisconsin athletic department projects $47 million net impact on budget because of COVID-19 pandemic TODD D. MILEWSKI Jan 28, 2021 Jan 28, 2021 Updated 13 hrs ago {{featured_button_text}} Like Camp … RELATED: Colorado coronavirus latest numbers, Nov. 12. We're eager to help make Colorado even better. Jared Polis makes a point during a news conference to update the state's efforts to check the spread of the new coronavirus Monday, May 11, 2020, in Denver. DENVER (CBS4)– Hundreds of long-term care facilities in Colorado are in danger of closing after the pandemic has taken its toll. The governor noted the “historic uncertainty” and put aside a $1.26 billion reserve — the highest since at least 1985 at 10% — to cover a potential deficit. So far lawmakers are expressing caution amid significant questions surrounding the state’s fiscal outlook. “If they can get an increase in funds for this fiscal year, those can create jobs and dollars in the economy right away,” said Lauren Larson, the governor’s budget director. Because of their leadership, we are facing a more optimistic budget outcome than we had anticipated, even with the real impacts we will have to address given budget realities facing our state and University System. Polis started his budget presentation with a warning about the rising rates of coronavirus infections in the state, saying “Colorado’s economic strength depends on our strength in preventing the COVID virus.”. Colorado governor on COVID-19 variant 07:20 Colorado Governor Jared Polis said Wednesday that it's not clear how a new, more infectious variant of the coronavirus entered his state. 2. At its May meeting, members of the Board of Governors directed campus presidents to preserve maximum flexibility and hold off on all contract renewals where possible, including for non-tenure track faculty, until the university’s budget picture became clear. Statute requires a few items be included with a budget filing. The pandemic unemployed continue to get put through the wringer, with payment denials and other new issues cropping up daily. The Colorado Legislature opened Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021, for a brief, three-day session to swear in new members and adjust several pandemic relief laws before adjorning until February because of coronavirus concerns. This includes directly interviewing sources and research / analysis of primary source documents. The Colorado Sun is a journalist-owned, award-winning news outlet based in Denver but which strives to cover all of Colorado so that our state — our community — can better understand itself. Various agencies of Colorado state government provide statistical data and related information on a large variety of topics. In addition, four measures on the 2020 ballot will impact the state’s revenue picture and complicate the budget plan. (Bloomberg) -- Colorado has confirmed the first reported U.S. case of the Covid-19 variant that emerged in the U.K. Colorado Governor Jared Polis said the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been advised of the case by the state’s health department. Polis also identified dozens of spending cuts across state departments totaling $422 million, including $272 million in discretionary spending. This allows us to maintain our current positions and necessary staffing levels and avoid layoffs, Find cost savings in discretionary spending. Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2019-20. As a news piece, this article cites verifiable, third-party sources which have all been thoroughly fact-checked and deemed credible by the Newsroom. While making budget decisions, our goals were to: While formulating our recommendations to the Board, President McConnell charged a team of individuals from across the university to model revenue options and assess ways to control expenses. The university has recommended and the board has approved a 0% tuition increase. “This budget isn’t about just getting back to where we used to be — that wasn’t good enough,” Polis said in a budget presentation. Grants were for general operating support. How to submit an opinion piece to The Sun, (720) 263-2338 — Call, text, Signal or WhatsApp, Got a story tip? Colorado State University’s Food Systems Initiative is committed to promoting the health and wellness of our population, especially vulnerable populations, and to limit negative impacts of economic and food supply chain disruptions resulting from COVID-19. OSC Alert Updates - Real time updates from the OSC (please check in … Please use caution in making comparisons. FILE—The State Capitol is shown in this file photograph taken Monday, Dec. 14, 2020, in downtown Denver. Meningitis and Meningococcal Disease Information, Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, School of Global Environmental Sustainability, Help meet the needs of Colorado communities through engagement, Focused recruitment, equity and success of diverse faculty and staff and protect our ability meet payroll, Investing $1.3 million in student-centered programs including mental health, student success, Title IX, and public safety, Attrition and replacement only for critical positions. There are strict rules in terms of how CARES Act funds can be deployed, and the Board and CSU System executive leadership, including the presidents, are developing commensurate policies and procedures. Jared Polis spent big in the new spending proposal even as he acknowledged the “historic uncertainty” surrounding the state’s fiscal outlook Yes, traffic is worse and housing is less affordable. Our campuses play an important stabilizing role in the economy of our communities and state, so the Board asked campus presidents to devise budgets that preserved jobs and avoided salary cuts. Chancellor Frank has recognized that he has not been able to communicate as effectively and consistently in advance of this year’s budget as in the past, because the state has been mired in fiscal uncertainty. Gov. Students are at the heart of all of our financial decisions, and maintaining their access to education. The latest from the coronavirus outbreak in Colorado: The governor’s budget proposal is the first step in a six-month process that Colorado lawmakers undertake to write the annual spending plan. This means that tuition will be frozen at its 2019-2020 academic year rate. These funding cuts will be managed primarily by leaving open positions unfilled, eliminating vacant non-critical positions, and promoting voluntary early separation incentives. The budget plan — for the fiscal year starting July 1 — includes $2 billion more in discretionary spending than the current year, a 20% increase. Colorado is one of 44 states i… State health officials will decommission the emergency COVID-19 overflow site at Denver’s Colorado Convention Center after never serving a single patient. With the approval of these budgets, we anticipate all non-tenure track faculty will be renewed for the next year, and we anticipate economic projections make future layoffs extremely unlikely. CSU is the largest employer in Northern Colorado, and the other CSU System campuses are among the largest employers in their regions. PREVIOUS: How wolves and family leave could impact Colorado governor's stimulus plans Heading into the budget process, the CSU System – which includes our Fort Collins campuses as well as Pueblo and CSU Global — was facing a $164 million budget shortfall for next year. Colorado’s legislature is about to begin weeks of intense debate that will determine what programs and priorities are sacrificed to close a $3 billion-plus gap in the state’s budget. Police, COVID, Budget Cuts Top Colorado Legislature Session It was somehow fitting that Colorado’s Legislature arranged for coronavirus nasal swab testing outside the … Agency hearings are held in August and September. “These are all things we are exploring. The stimulus package is a key part of the $31 billion budget proposal the Democrat issued Monday and it includes the previously announced $375 checks to unemployed workers, as well as a temporary state sales tax break for small businesses pinched by COVID-19 public health orders and $220 million in spending on shovel-ready infrastructure projects. Colorado State University is closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and working with the State of Colorado and public health officials to ensure the health and safety of our community.. For the most up-to-date information from CSU, please visit: covidrecovery.colostate.edu. The COVID-19 Colorado Creatives Relief Grant helped Colorado nonprofit arts organizations with an annual operating budget of less than $1 million by offsetting costs associated with COVID-19. But growth has also brought more diversity. “The revenue exposure statewide is p… Other significant factors that will impact CU’s financial outlook include when students are able to return to campus, the degree to which the student experience requires modification and state funding levels. We are grateful to the Board of Governors, the Colorado General Assembly, Governor Polis, and our federal Congressional delegation for their leadership in support of higher education, which has been instrumental in preparing our budget for next year. COVID-19 Testing at the Bennett Community Center In partnership with the State of Colorado, COVIDCheck Colorado, a social benefit enterprise of Gary Community Investments, is providing COVID-19 tests free of charge to all Coloradans. He is asking lawmakers for an additional $200 million from discretionary spending in the general fund to combat the virus in the current fiscal year. Of the $3.3 billion cut, education and health care were hit especially hard. The report used 20 years of state budget numbers, U.S. Census data and a sample survey of Coloradans to model various public-funding and economic-mobility scenarios. The department has compiled resources about Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) to help provide guidance to Institutions of Higher Education. Visit covidcheckcolorado.org and click "Get My Test" to register. We continue to plan for the possibility of further economic downturn in the coming years and the potential of additional shortfalls due to the pandemic. David Zalubowski, Associated Press As more Coloradans receive the COVID-19 vaccine, state health officials are considering making changes to the current COVID-19 dial that would ease restrictions. In support of the Board’s charge, President McConnell proposed to the Board, and the Board approved, a financial recovery structure that considered equity in how decisions would be implemented. 5. Our share of that shortfall is $143 million for our Fort Collins campus. 4. Larimer County COVID-19 Data State of Colorado COVID-19 Resources Key elements of the financial recovery plan are: In addition, units will be tasked with reducing their expenses, to be determined by unit leadership. Our share of that shortfall is $143 million for our Fort Collins campus. The Board directed us to focus on reducing discretionary spending and to not fill some vacant positions. The state operates on an annual budget cycle. The governor put the price tag for his budget at $35 billion, but it includes $4 billion in double-counted dollars shifted between state agencies, bringing the true price tag closer to $31 billion. In Colorado, lawmakers had to slash about a quarter of the budget to keep state finances in the black. Jared Polis spent big in the new spending proposal even as he acknowledged the “historic uncertainty” surrounding the state’s fiscal outlook. Colorado governor’s new budget plan includes $1.3 billion stimulus to kick-start state economy Gov. Agencies submit their budget requests to the governor in August. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. Wisconsin athletic department projects $47 million net impact on budget because of COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the use of the strategy outlined by the System and President McConnell and the recovery planning process, funding sources – federal CARES Act stimulus funds, Board reserves, and debt refinancing the Fort Collins campus budget now includes $17 million in funding cuts. But Polis is pressing the Democratic-led state legislature to act quickly and approve major spending when it returns in January. The Board of Governors directed – and we wholeheartedly embraced – our focus and goals as we made fiscal recommendations and decisions for the next year and responded to the financial impacts of COVID-19. … State revenue assumptions vary by state. With these strategies, coupled with the strategic use of reserves and financing, the University will be able to maintain its goals of student access and continuity of operations, contingent upon the passage of the Long Bill and baring any decisions by the legislature that impact the components of our plan (such as a decision to place classified staff on furloughs). It’s not clear if lawmakers will take the gamble. To this end, the Board established an $80 million COVID-19 Emergency Reserve Fund to ensure the campuses remain sound and able to deliver on their critical missions during a time of great uncertainty. This measure will sustain both healthy outdoor recreation and our outdoor economy for future generations -- and will honor Colorado's military legacy. FILE—The State Capitol is shown in this file photograph taken Monday, Dec. 14, 2020, in downtown Denver. Trump’s team argues not only that you can’t try an ex-president, but also — and this argument is made only to please Trump — that Trump’s claim of election fraud was reasonable to make. This is a quick information guide to selected print and electronic publications, as well as web sites, maintained by state agencies only. The university is committed to maintaining our investment in our people – our students, faculty and staff. The web links included in this brief list will lead to additional resources. Polis wants to add money back to K-12 education and higher education to restore them to the 2019-20 spending levels — a move that would still leave them short of recent increases in cost and growth. Moreno said lawmakers are having “a lot of conversations … about whether this is the right type of relief, the right amount of relief” to address the pandemic-crippled economy. The legislature typically adopts a budget in May for the new fiscal year beginning July 1. The Board prioritized creation of emergency reserves following the Great Recession, and has chosen to use those reserves now in combination with the state and federal support to ensure the ongoing stability of its physical campuses. COVID In Colorado: Large, Drive-thru Event Aims To Vaccinate 10,000 This WeekendThe state's largest mass-vaccination event to-date kicked off Saturday in the parking lots north of Coors Field. CARES Act funding will not be used to backfill any budget cuts. RELATED: State health officials provide update on COVID-19. Budget Requirements. 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