Each of your social posts should include at least one hashtag. Ultimate Social Media Checklist for Business Owners You heard promises of huge growth if you just started marketing your business places like Facebook and Instagram. Unfortunately, this means all your planning, designing, and strategizing is just a waste of time. What's included in the Ultimate Social Media Checklist? Here’s another good example of emoji use, coming from this Instagram post from Levo League. Post goals based on the buyer’s journey and persona segmentation (via pain points and solutions sought). We can tell you! When hashtags first started on Twitter, they seemed weird and confusing. Tweet. 259. Hey, I'm Neil Patel. . This is a great opportunity to start a bullet journal to keep track of your information or if you prefer pre-formatted forms, check out my free printables here to start your own blog journal. Video isn’t the only way to increase engagements. Let's have an one-on-one conversation What's your yearly revenue? This can make it easier for them to connect with your social messages, which are often only a few characters long. This can strengthen their relationship, remind them of past ads, and gain some engagement. You can also create your own GIFs to display comparisons and data points. With their Open Your World campaign, Heineken created a video that sat two strangers with opposing views down to talk. Create a … The Ultimate Social Media Checklist for Social Media Managers (Daily, Weekly and Monthly ) Here's a lіѕt оf ѕосіаl mеdіа tаѕkѕ thаt, іf еxесutеd оn rеgulаrlу, Taco Bell uses posts like these to generate a “digital art gallery” that encourages followers to share their own content, creating engagement while staying on brand. The main aims of any business is to meet your KPIs, make the most out of your ROI and increase your company’s brand awareness. The North Face reaches out to both Girl Scouts and America Ferrera to get them involved in their post. However, #OpenYourWorld differs from the #ShareaCoke campaign in that it’s not entirely unique to the Heineken brand. In fact, a post with an image can gain up to 12% more impressions than one with just Twitter cards. That’s almost 8x as many retweets and over 4x times as many likes as a traditional tweet from Salesforce uploaded the same day. He is the co-founder of NP Digital and Subscribers. Protect Local: Free tools, training, and resources to help your company and local business clients during COVID-19 and beyond. Check your social media posting calendar Collect monthly website figures Check comments and questions Monitor brand mentions Discover keywords Check what your competitors are posting However, if you manage to get a conversation started, you’re still not done yet. By changing the way users order pizza, Domino’s was able to increase their stock by 2000% – bringing them above Netflix, Apple, Alphabet, and Amazon. The contents of the video could have easily been shared in just text. Knowing how your audience reacts to social promotions can help you refine your tactics to better suit their needs. While timely or relevant GIFs can help show you’re on top of social trends, you don’t want to become too dependent on other individual’s work. Knowing where your posts are attracting attention and where they’re going ignored can allow you to make more strategic decisions in the future. Here’s a great example of an extract from Salesforce. In fact, they employ 25 individuals dedicated just to customer service inquiries on Facebook and Twitter. Instead, #OpenYourWorld puts user’s posts right in the middle of a larger conversation. Post goals based on the buyer's journey and persona segmentation (via pain points and solutions sought). Verstililty. You don’t need fancy design skills or a professional graphic designer to create custom graphics. In fact, 36% of millennials said that GIFs or emojis expressed their thoughts and feelings better than words. The Dilly so nice we said it twice. So, with all this room, there’s no reason you should just be posting the title of your article. Let’s take a look at Wendy’s Twitter account. But it isn’t enough to get your audience engaged. Get the facts: https://t.co/Q7Su0wI02A pic.twitter.com/LgU8TX4rpM, — Netflix US (@netflix) February 19, 2017. If you do need to turn to stock photos, then pull them from lesser-known sites or try and find new posts. The stars above are rich with planetary companions. Platforms like Giphy are already integrated into social networks like Twitter and even Instagram Stories, making it easy to add them to any post. Adding emojis can actually help improve social interactions by 47.7%. Download the ULTIMATE Checklist about Social Media for Actors that will help you rock your social media for your career! First, jumping on trending topics can help show some brand personality and gain exposure. The number of hashtags you use and how you use those hashtags can vary greatly depending on the platform you’re engaging with. Emoji is a big part of social media marketing. Everyone from Inc. to Buzzfeed to Mashable has written about the brand’s savage comebacks. If you’re focusing too much on being funny or trendy, you’re making it more difficult on yourself to connect with your target audience. This brand-specific hashtag creates a conversation centered on Coca-Cola. Hashtags can be used a few different ways to increase your customer engagement. This can get you more attention and help you improve engagements. Post at least one (1) blog post every week on your profile. Make sure you use the correct size for each platform. More: https://t.co/b81BDSwsOd pic.twitter.com/KRpMiOj6y1. #WhatCatsDoWhileWeSleep pic.twitter.com/CH2g6yBnJM. If you want my team to just do your marketing for you, click here. What’s included in the Ultimate Social Media Checklist? Here’s a tweet from LA Fitness getting in on the Monday Motivation conversation. They should support your message, not make it difficult for your audience to understand what is going on. What's included in the Ultimate Social Media Checklist? Reply to comments and questions. Add an “eggplant” or “peach” emoji, and your post has taken on an entirely new meaning you probably aren’t expecting. But the messaging, context, and vocabulary you use in your brand content can help you establish stronger relationships with your target audience. Are you just starting out on social media as a […] Article by Red Website Design. Replay and Keep tracking on Social Media for Key Phrases. Is it simply creating a conversation with your target audience? 4.5K downloads. Pricing: Free. This year, they’re hoping to grab even more attention, featuring names that will cover almost 80% of the millennial population in the U.S. The end-to-end, white-label ecommerce platform for selling digital solutions to local businesses. The hashtag has hijacked the pound symbol. Post goals based on the buyer’s journey and persona segmentation (via pain points and solutions sought). Each individual using the hashtag is looking to become a part of the Share a Coke conversation. Brand voice reminders, social media cheat sheet cards, an image check and last but not least, the essential post-post ritual. This type of social support can improve your reach and increase the size of your audience. You can also use influencers to try and get more attention. The brand is known for coming up with witty, sassy, and unexpected responses to their customers. Now that your post is created, you’re ready to upload it. Fans of both Girl Scouts and America Ferrara may also become more interested in what the campaign is. Now you can plan each post strategically with this all-in-one checklist, the checklist that will help you cover all of your bases. It’s also important to keep your eye on how your social posts are performing. Posts like these can help you create some consistency in the way you post online. Here’s another example of a post that goes beyond strictly selling, this time from Bud Light. How can we get in touch with you? Netflix used their own custom graphics during their Netflix Cheating campaign. What’s your name? When selecting quotes that you’d like to target, make sure they provide enough context. Whether a shopper is reading a blog post, your website homepage, or a Tweet, you want to make sure they know who they’re talking to. This is particularly true when it comes to sharing standard images. If your social posts are text-only messages, they’re most likely going to get scrolled over. ADD YOUR HEADSHOT! Yes, I want more traffic If your answer was ‘often,’ all good, but if not, let us take a guess as to why - you have so many tasks to cover off within your daily requirements that you're left with little to no time to focus on your broader strategic goals, and implementing new strategies. Comment on prospects and fellow freelancers’ status updates, posts, and videos. One of the reasons for this is that they use real people to monitor their social media platforms. View sample. They didn’t simply throw the video up with a traditional title. Sep 12, 2019. Taco Bell has one of the most recognizable brand voices on social. JetBlue does an awesome job of this on their social media platforms. Having a handy social media checklist is one way to keep on top of your business' social media activity and continually evaluate your efforts. Using social media as part of your event marketing strategy, you have a terrific opportunity to create significant momentum and interaction. Again, Walmart isn’t using their social media campaigns to sell products directly. by Grant Gooley . When it comes to social media, consistency is key. Gary Vaynerchuk, one of the most popular motivational speakers, frequently uses Instagram Stories and Snapchat to share daily messages and short video clips. The Ultimate Social Media Checklist For CRE Professionals. Bud Light’s Dilly Dilly ads feature humorous stories of medieval knights, kings, peasants and the “Bud Knight.”, Just about every ad includes a story of how Bud Light can bring people together, followed by chants of “Dilly Dilly.”. Consider the 80/20 principle, also known as the Pareto Principle. This is why we see companies in just about every industry taking advantage of popular weekly hashtags like #MotivationMonday or #ThrowbackThursday. In just four hours, this NASA post received 1.3K retweets, 3.4K likes, and 60 comments. Brand voice reminders, social media cheat sheet cards, an image check and last but not least, the essential post-post ritual. You know a huge chunk of your audience visits social media at least once a day, so it seemed like a good idea. Your post is taking off – skyrocketing through timelines and racking up likes and shares. However, you can increase engagements and ensure your content is noticed by provoking a conversation yourself. The ultimate social media checklist: What may I post online? The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Checklist Every Newbie Must Follow. In fact, a Facebook video typically receives 135% more organic reach than a photo. However, there are no consistent rules for hashtagging across social platforms. The Contents of “The Ultimate Social Media Checklist”: Routines That Actually Help; Daily Steps to Engaging Your Audience; Weekly Attempts to Keep Up With the Competition; Monthly Efforts to Enhance Your Social Media Strategy; Quarterly Planning and Reporting Activities; Conclusion; Number of Pages: 19 Pages. As partners in the campaign, both parties are likely to share the post with their own followers. Comparatively, it took 19 hours for a tweet with just an image to achieve similar results. Check out this video post shared by NASA on Twitter. To do this, you want to create a two-way dialogue with your customers. Social media videos are fun to make when you’re designing them on online video designing tools. Again, the emojis used are kept to a minimum, each serving a clear purpose. Other visuals, such as videos, GIFs, and images can dramatically increase engagement on posts. What’s your email address? @NASAKepler discovered ~2,700 of these worlds orbiting other stars outside our solar system known as “exoplanets,” but the adventure is just about to begin for our Earth-sized planet-hunter, @NASA_TESS: https://t.co/Xla2kshHWy pic.twitter.com/vV3h2oq2WG. The Ultimate Social Media Checklist for Directory Publishers Stephanie Miles | January 8, 2019 August 21, 2020 If you’ve got a solid SEO strategy in place and your online directory still isn’t ranking highly in Google search results, then a lack of social media awareness could be to blame. . Having the same tone and style in each of your posts can help them establish familiarity and trust with your brand. In the two weeks following this post, MoonPie was able to earn over $380k in earned media value. When Coca-Cola first brought the Share a Coke campaign to the US in 2014, it helped grow sales volume for the first time since 2000. Inbound Marketing Marketing Mail Marketing Website Facebook Marketing Digital Marketing Strategy Content Marketing Internet Marketing Social Media Marketing Online Marketing. Posts like these can start informal conversations with your customers and help get them engaged with your brand. ", Help us make this Twitter thread huuuge! The Ultimate Social Media Checklist ... For Chiropractors, Naturopaths and Wellness Practitioners! Take a hold of your social media posting strategy today with this time saving posting tool! Hashtags are a great way to link conversations and posts together. By speaking directly to their defined target audience of young, active, and impulsive customers, they’re able to create genuine connections with their audience. We want to create a plan that works within your budget I'm determined to make a business grow. Each time you post on social, you want to have a clearly defined purpose. First, it creates consistency between your platforms. There are some online tools available to help you create images you can share on social. To grab some more attention and get more engagements, you’ll want to add some special characters and emojis to your posts. While this post doesn’t even contain a link to Walmart’s homepage, it still has a purpose. No, I have enough traffic. JetBlue has been consistently praised as one of the top airlines for customer service. What are some of your favorite social posting tactics? Ever wonder what might be visible in the night sky? SOCIAL MEDIA CHECKLIST: This checklist is what I use to perform & analyze platforms for social media audits; I took the information included in the Ultimate Social Media Guide & Social Media Strategies Per Platform guide & put together an organized checklist for making sure you have included everything needed to optimize the different platforms Influencers can put your content in front of their audience. How To Use The Social Media Sharing Checklist Record your traffic and referral stats from the previous 30 days (6 months if you can) and your social media stats. While individuals responding to this hashtag may not be in their direct target demographic, it can still get attention and help them attract higher engagements. While this tweet may not attract any new leads, it does appeal to loyal Bud Light fans that are in on the Dilly Dilly joke. You can then use this information to refine your strategy and continue to create social posts that your audience loves. While this post doesn’t mention their brand or products, it plays off an extremely popular continuous campaign that Bud Light runs – their Dilly Dilly campaign. They’re not posing as a bland and boring business. These videos are short, but they can pack a punch. Sure, Netflix could have shared this simple stat in a text-post, but the custom graphic helps it to stand out from the crowd. We are proud to launch our Outdoor Adventure collaboration alongside activist and @GirlScouts alum, @AmericaFerrera. Even if they’ve never designed anything before. Monitor your brand... Weekly Social Media Tasks. ... Having a social media post without a plan to promote it is a waste and sometimes even … Know what your rights are, and where you could be prosecuted. In a study done by Agora Pulse, they found that adding hashtags to Instagram posts increased likes by 70%. Brand voice reminders, social media cheat sheet cards, an image check and last but not least, the essential post-post ritual. Would you like it if your social media presence helped your practice generate new patients? The hashtag sweet spot is at one or two on Facebook, but three to five on Twitter. Versatility. Example: www.neilpatel.com. We know it's almost time for summer #interns to arrive, but they seem to be a lot younger this year. What's your phone number? But the authenticity behind their messaging is also great for connecting with audience members. Pro tip: Mac users can use the keyboard shortcut Command - Control - Spacebar to access emoji. Knowing the purpose of your posts is a great start. I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. Even if you have the best intentions, if your content is dull or boring, your followers are just going to keep scrolling. In April, the Moon, Mars and Saturn form a pretty triangle, Jupiter's cloud belts and Great Red Spot will be easy to see, plus the Lyrid meteors peak on the 22nd. Before you post anything on social – whether it is as a post or in the comments – think of what you’re trying to accomplish. What website should we analyze? Videos, in particular, are great for improving engagements. After the video of the young boy singing in a Walmart store went viral, Walmart saw this as the perfect opportunity to get into the conversation. In fact, using conversations to get your audience engaged can be more effective than strictly selling. Regardless of the platform that you choose, following this 14 point checklist will help you implement a professional, engaging, entertaining and patient attracting social media strategy. Here is the Ultimate Social Media Marketing and Optimization Checklist for Facebook to make your blogs and online business more engaging. Share. Users simply tweet a pizza emoji at Domino’s, and they’re able to place a new order. Over a series of team-building activities that ended with a Heineken beer, they were able to have meaningful conversations about their opinions and viewpoints –- something that doesn’t happen all that often in today’s day and age. South Africa's laws offer clear regulations for online users. Better yet, because the GIF isn’t their own, they can add this image to their post just with a simple search. To help you make the most of each and every post you create, here is a 7-step checklist you can follow. Now you can plan each post strategically with a quick scannable checklist. Another great example of a campaign-specific hashtag is the #OpenYourWorld experiment from Heineken. Emojis are just the start of making your posts more dynamic. What's your marketing budget? On Facebook, you have 63,206 characters per status update to get creative. Monthly Marketing BudgetUnder $750$750 to $1,500$1,500 to $5,000$5,000 to $10,000$10,000 to $25,000$25,000 to $50,000$50,000 to $100,000Above $100,000 This checklist will take you through the process of building a social media marketing plan that helps ensure its successful.Take control of social mediaSocial marketing overview 0:01:31Our system makes you look like a real… Using this GIF is an easy way for DiGiorno to become part of a trending topic and show their fun side. But it … Now, if a post doesn’t have a hashtag, it seems strange. You can also use custom graphics and images. The Ultimate Checklist to Clear Before Hitting Publish on Social Media. Luckily, when you put a little more planning into the posts you share, you can start seeing stronger results. With video platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, you have 10 seconds or 60 seconds per video, respectively. If you’re throwing posts out there without any clear intent, you’re just cluttering up an already diluted space. pic.twitter.com/fmJnWz7Q39, — Bud Light (@budlight) February 14, 2018. According to Sprout Social, different demographics will engage with brands on social differently. We’d love to know more about our readers. On Twitter, that number has recently doubled to 280-characters. Versatility. Headers, cover photos, and channel art should show us the true essence of who you are! With their Easy Order, Domino’s allows customers to order a pizza with just one text or Tweet. “I don’t count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.” – Muhammad Ali #MotivationMonday. Complete the phrase: "A Trailblazer is . It covers what you should be doing every day, week, month and every quarter. Post goals based on the buyer’s journey and persona segmentation (via pain points and solutions sought). This states that just 20% of what you do will bring in 80% of your returns. Want to make sure it is a big success for the organizer, attendees, presenters, and event sponsors. One of Gary’s biggest pieces of advice when it comes to social videos is to document – don’t create. 86% of consumers say they want honesty in brands on social media. The brand voice you develop needs to have your target audience in mind. February 19, 2016. #BlazingTrails pic.twitter.com/ofInCb2ggh. Hosting an event? pic.twitter.com/zflFUc09Ri. Your Ultimate Social Media Checklist by SEMrush Daily Social Media Tasks. Here’s an example from Rosanna Pansino, a YouTube-famous baker. Walmart also frequently uses social media to become a part of a larger conversation about hunger relief. Finally, the last and one of the easiest visuals to add are GIFs. What’s included in the Ultimate Social Media Checklist? They add value to the content without feeling overwhelming. You should avoid using stock images as much as possible. Unfortunately, the same rules apply when it comes to social. MoonPie is another great example of a brand that has brought their personality out on social. The likes are trickling in, comprised mainly of your team members and the intern’s mom. Companies can also take advantage of live video, or video-centric social platforms, like Snapchat or the Stories feature within Instagram. The Ultimate Social Media Content Creation Checklist By Naomi Linford September 12, 2018 Marketing Planning & publishing So, you’ve just created and published content for your networks, but as soon as you pressed post, you realised it’s missing your key #hashtags and a call to action. A strong brand voice can help you get more social attention in a couple of ways. It’s weird to think that your brand has a unique voice. #GoProAthlete @nicholirogatkin shows us what it's like to take a @fmbworldtour victory at the @redbull District Ride in Nuremberg, Germany. As a social media professional, how often do you feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of your workday? Verstililty. In the discussions, connect with prospects and other freelancers when the opportunity arises. However, if you’re simply posting to post, you’re only wasting everyone’s time. Salesforce CEO Marc @Benioff discusses the new role of the CEO in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: https://t.co/0hq3pk7Bny pic.twitter.com/5PClmXAXuK. Knowing the purpose of your posts is a great start. 19/06/2018. You can unsubscribe at any time. While some changes may seem minor or insignificant, even slight differences in engagement can be a big deal. Instagram on the other hand, can have upwards of eight hashtags before followers perceive it as spam. (Although, you should be sticking to fewer characters.). Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter. Promoting on social can feel like a popularity rollercoaster. Define your intent before you press that “post” button. Users can select a layout, add their own images and text, and have a high-quality image to share on social in just a few minutes. By filling out this form you agree to receive regular updates from Vendasta and get instant access to free marketing material. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn … The Ultimate Social Media Checklist for your Business From social media to SEO, it is no secret that the digital world is taking over when it comes to making the most out of your business. Here’s a great example of Cisco using emojis in a recent tweet. Curated digital solutions local business clients need to succeed and prosper. Every great social media strategy requires a plan, but who has the time to write a long-winded planning document that requires updating every year? When used appropriately, hashtags can help you get more attention and increase your engagements. Synchronize with other teams' goals and upcoming activities. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. Checklist: Ultimate Social Media Checklist Getting results out of your social media campaign takes a solid plan. We want to create that works for you business size It takes a lot of effort to become one of the popular kids. Soon, Dilly Dilly became an online sensation, getting 175,000 mentions per month across social media and 66,000 hashtag uses just on Instagram. pic.twitter.com/EfJmtJtkKS, — We Are Cisco (@WeAreCisco) April 4, 2018. Check and update your posting calendar. However, “friendly” and “helpful” were not too far behind. This kind of creativity sparks excitement and brings something new to an otherwise boring industry. Quotes are another great way to grab your followers’ attention. Post goals based on the buyer's journey and persona segmentation (via pain points and solutions sought). Not knowing how your target audience is going to react can be stressful. When creating content you’re going to share, think thoroughly about who you’re speaking to, what their interests are, and what unique perspective you can provide. This largely depends on who your target audience is. Canva offers dozens of free or paid templates, like the ones featured below. If you want my team to just do your marketing for you, The Ultimate Social Checklist: 7 Steps to Follow for Every Post, You're moments away from growing your traffic, We want to create a plan that works within your budget, We want to create that works for you business size, order a pizza with just one text or Tweet, Domino’s was able to increase their stock by 2000%. Every industry – including commercial real estate – is benefiting from using social media to reach their ideal audience and build their brand. Think about what kind of conversation or attention you’re looking to gain and use your hashtags to become a part of a larger picture. To have emojis at hand every time you need them, the handiest way is to install an emoji Chrome extension. Just by adding two emojis to the end of their text, Cisco adds some additional meaning and context to their post. Simply adding that little dollar emoji to the start of the text can help followers identify if it’s a post they might be interested in – without needing to read anything at all. Every strategy requires a plan, but who has time to write a long-winded yearly social media calendar? Just one viral tweet launched their popularity as one of the funniest brands on social. Current sizes (in pixels) are: Twitter header photo (1500 x 500), Facebook cover photo (815 x 315), YouTube channel art (2560 x … Them involved in their post Vendasta and get more social attention in a couple of ways members away some,! Overwhelming description individual using the hashtag is looking to become a part of your more..., there are no consistent rules for ultimate social media checklist across social platforms, like or... Didn ’ t simply throw the video up with witty, sassy and... Blog post every week in relevant groups mean before you press that post! 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